' ...Some perform Bethel service, others engage in construction or in circuit work, serve as field instructors or special pioneers or missionaries or as Assembly Hall or Bible school facility servants. They are all bound by a “Vow of Obedience and Poverty,” with which they agree to do whatever is assigned to them in the advancement of Kingdom interests ...'
Br. Project Superintendant: [ who hasn't had dirt under his finger nails since he was 11]: Oh, hello Brother Schmuck. I see you have just come to work on our new branch project and I see also that you have signed the 'Vow of Obedience and Poverty'. Is that correct Brother S.?
Br. S. : Yes. I signed the 'Vow of Obedience and Poverty' last Friday.
Br. P.S.: Yes I know, I was just checking to make sure you understood what you were signing. I don't really care about the Poverty part. That naturally comes along with the position. What I am more interested is the Obedience part. So Bro S. are you ready for your first chores for the day?
Br. S: Yes, I can't wait to get started.
Br. PS: Good, good. You see that big pile of sand over there?
Br. S: Yes, I see it.
Br. PS: Good, good. Well, I want you to take this shovel and that wheelbarrow over there and go over to the pile of sand over there and shovel some sand into the wheelbarrow. Then I want you to wheel the wheelbarrow full of sand, and we do want it to be full Br. S, and then dump it beside the pile of rocks over there.
Br. S: What? That pile of sand if huge. Is anyone else going to help me?
Br. PS: No, no. You will be shoveling and wheeling all the sand by yourself.
Br. S: That will take me weeks.
Br. PS: Probably. What a privilege you have in working hard for kingdom interests. When you get that done come and tell me. We will find another 'Kingdom Privilege' chore for you. I'll be in the office. Have to go, it's getting cold out here.